• From Fear to Freedom

    Breaking Free from Perfection Paralysis

    When I started this blog in January of 2020, I had every intention of writing about my continued journey in breaking free from fear and living in freedom. I was super motivated and threw ALL of my energy into creating and eventually launching this blog! Then the pandemic hit in March, and it seemed like all of those plans flew straight out of the window. I felt like I was living in survival mode, and suddenly the things that used to bring me joy, or used to excite me no longer did. Including this blog. It took me 7 whole months to even muster up the energy and motivation to…

  • Lifestyle

    The More Books, the Better!

    I love to read. Some of my favorite memories as a child are going to the local library with my mom to spend a few hours perusing the children section for picture books that we could read together. And once I transitioned to reading chapter books, it was like my whole world expanded. I think there’s is something so incredible about the way an author can create entire worlds, universes, complex characters, and relationships with just their words, and write in such a way that it completely transports you into world they’ve created! As I’ve gotten older, that love for reading has grown even more. I now find myself going…

  • Lifestyle

    Finding Grace to Grieve in the Middle of a Pandemic

    If you would have told me 7 months ago that the world was going turn upside down, I probably would have looked at you like you were crazy! But I guess the old saying was right when it said, you don’t think something is possible until it happens to you. Because of COVID-19, we’ve seen the very foundations of our normal way of living up heaved. Routines have been shattered, people have suffered through the loss of jobs, loss of community, loss of human interaction, and most devastatingly, loss of life. We’ve become more isolated than ever and our interactions are now confined to Zoom calls and video chats. And…

  • Lifestyle

    To: My Dear Single Friend. From: Your Dear Single Friend on this Valentine’s Day.

    Ahh Valentine’s Day… Where do I even begin? The day of “love”. It’s the day filled with chocolate, dinner reservations, flowers, jewelry, movie dates, and for some people, it ends with an engagement. Its the day where our social media timelines are flooded with pictures of happy couples expressing their love and appreciation for each other. Being surrounded by this all day long, I cant help but wonder: Where does all of it leave you, my dear single friend? Sometimes it may leave you feeling lonely, like everyone else gets to celebrate their significant other except you. It may leave you feeling tired or frustrated because instead of going out…

  • Story Tellers

    What Story Will You Tell?

    “What story will you tell?” I heard this phrase over and over again at a student missions conference that I attended back in 2015. The theme centered around how to tell our own stories and how that intertwines with stories that God tells us through Scripture. The conference really emphasized the importance our stories, and that the way in which we share them can have a lasting impact on not only ourselves, but the people that hear them. I hadn’t really given that a lot of thought prior to the conference, but it was from that moment on that I realized the significance of storytelling. There have been countless situations…

  • As I Am

    Happy Black History Month!

    Happy Black History Month! I love celebrating my history and the history of my people. And while I believe the acknowledgement and celebration of Black history should be happen all year long, I am glad that we have a month to pause, reflect, and celebrate the rich history of our culture and people. So as part of the celebration, here are some of the things I love about being Black: I love the deep richness of my beautiful brown skin. I love the diversity of the African Diaspora. We represent everyone from African, to Afro-Latino, from Afro Caribbean, to African American; each with its own beautiful culture and traditions. I…

  • As I Am

    And I Will Always Love You…

    This week has been pretty rough. 3 years ago, today, my grandmother passed away. She had been sick for a long time, and she took her final breath on Tuesday January 24th, 2017. Every year since her passing, I always feel the most grief on that Tuesday of week she passed, and then the 24th which was actual date of her passing. I took her death extremely hard, and for the first few months I really struggled with the grief. This was my first time experiencing the loss of someone very close to me, and I was overwhelmed with the intensity of my emotions. It had gotten so bad that…

  • From Fear to Freedom

    From Fear to Freedom

    Welcome to “From Fear to Freedom!” This right here is honestly the main reason why I created the blog. You see, fear and I have had a very long, and extremely toxic relationship. Now I’m not referring to something like a fear of spiders, or fear of heights (though those are legitimate, and very real fears of mine!), but more so relational, and emotional fears. You know, the ones that make you toss and turn at night, the ones that keep you from applying to that new job, or starting that business, or even sharing vulnerably with someone for fear of judgement? These are the type of fears that attack…