• From Fear to Freedom

    Breaking Free from Perfection Paralysis

    When I started this blog in January of 2020, I had every intention of writing about my continued journey in breaking free from fear and living in freedom. I was super motivated and threw ALL of my energy into creating and eventually launching this blog! Then the pandemic hit in March, and it seemed like all of those plans flew straight out of the window. I felt like I was living in survival mode, and suddenly the things that used to bring me joy, or used to excite me no longer did. Including this blog. It took me 7 whole months to even muster up the energy and motivation to…

  • From Fear to Freedom

    From Fear to Freedom

    Welcome to “From Fear to Freedom!” This right here is honestly the main reason why I created the blog. You see, fear and I have had a very long, and extremely toxic relationship. Now I’m not referring to something like a fear of spiders, or fear of heights (though those are legitimate, and very real fears of mine!), but more so relational, and emotional fears. You know, the ones that make you toss and turn at night, the ones that keep you from applying to that new job, or starting that business, or even sharing vulnerably with someone for fear of judgement? These are the type of fears that attack…