• Lifestyle

    Finding Grace to Grieve in the Middle of a Pandemic

    If you would have told me 7 months ago that the world was going turn upside down, I probably would have looked at you like you were crazy! But I guess the old saying was right when it said, you don’t think something is possible until it happens to you. Because of COVID-19, we’ve seen the very foundations of our normal way of living up heaved. Routines have been shattered, people have suffered through the loss of jobs, loss of community, loss of human interaction, and most devastatingly, loss of life. We’ve become more isolated than ever and our interactions are now confined to Zoom calls and video chats. And…

  • As I Am

    And I Will Always Love You…

    This week has been pretty rough. 3 years ago, today, my grandmother passed away. She had been sick for a long time, and she took her final breath on Tuesday January 24th, 2017. Every year since her passing, I always feel the most grief on that Tuesday of week she passed, and then the 24th which was actual date of her passing. I took her death extremely hard, and for the first few months I really struggled with the grief. This was my first time experiencing the loss of someone very close to me, and I was overwhelmed with the intensity of my emotions. It had gotten so bad that…