
The More Books, the Better!

My latest book shopping spree!

I love to read.

Some of my favorite memories as a child are going to the local library with my mom to spend a few hours perusing the children section for picture books that we could read together. And once I transitioned to reading chapter books, it was like my whole world expanded. I think there’s is something so incredible about the way an author can create entire worlds, universes, complex characters, and relationships with just their words, and write in such a way that it completely transports you into world they’ve created!

As I’ve gotten older, that love for reading has grown even more. I now find myself going to a Barnes and Noble just to peruse through all of their books. I cant really explain it, but spending time in a book store is so therapeutic for me. There’s nothing like the fresh smell of a new book that you’ve just cracked open to read! I have to admit that I often have to limit the amount of books that I buy, because I almost always leave a book store with far more than I needed or had planned to purchase!

I recently ordered some books from job’s publishing company, and while none of them are fictional, I am none the less excited to now have them in my possession.

See my excitement?!

Over the last few months, I have really been wanting to continue growing in spiritual development, especially when it comes to theology. And while none of them are my usual feel good fictional books, I am really excited to dive more fully into things like how we read and study scripture, the theology of human suffering and God’s response to it, healing from wounds caused by racial trauma, and how do we explain and have healthy conversations around faith in a way that is relevant and easy to grasp. So while these books might take me a little longer to read through, I am excited for the ways it will help me to expand my understanding and view of who God is and how He relates to His creation.

What kinds of books are you excited to pick up and start reading?